| 招商动态 |2017-07-07
XXXI. The Wan’an Mountain Film StudioProject
(I) Basicsituation
1. Constructioncontent
FilmStudio Project: It covers a total area of about 1000 Mu (1 Mu equals to 666.6square kilometers), with the investment of RMB 700 million Yuan; thefirst-phase project covers an area of 200 Mu.
The Film Studio Project is a complex site of culture, arts, tourismand leisure within Wan'an Mountain area, including three functional blocks ofperforming arts, culture, film and television. And the function of performingarts mainly includes large-scale music and dance performances, small repertoryperformances, and local opera performances; the culture function includescultural entertainment, cultural creativity, cultural training, cultural business,recreation facility and other living services equipment; the function of filmand television includes film and TV play, TV play shooting, film and TVsightseeing, studioentertainment.
2. Site selectionof project
Film Studio is located in the core area of Hot Spring Town(east side of Kaituo Avenue) in Wan'an Mountain area.
3. Constructioncondition
Film Studio willpromote Luoyang to develop cultural industry and complete public facilities incultural industry such as cinema, opera house etc.
4. Benefitanalysis
Wan’an Mountain complex area hasattracted a host of five-star hotels and large companies of commercial touristfacilities, forming a new tourist circle in Luoyang. Tourists have brokenthrough 10,000,000 person-time/year. Furthermore, tourist industry has providedlots of employment opportunities and integrated reception service, transport,communication facilities and high quality matched service for Luoyang.
Wan’an Mountain Performing Arts Project hasa total investment of RMB 700 million Yuan, an annual net income of about RMB150 million Yuan, an annual tourist amount of 370,000 more or less. Touristamount increases by 10% annually, and the rate of return in ten years will be51.3%.
(II) ProjectBackground
Wan’anMountain complex area is located in the south-east of Yibin District of LuoyangNew District, with a planning area of about 116 square kilometers. Theconstruction of the Wan’an mountain complex area will develop into a complexeco-tourismholiday resort integrated with tourism, leisure, vacation and health.Wan’an Mountain complex area is planned implementation by step from 2012 to2022 with a total investment of about RMB 80 billion Yuan. Its total investmentin 2013 is about RMB 8 billion Yuan, including the investment of about RMB 6billion Yuan in hotel, road and afforestation, and the investment of about RMB2 billion Yuan in tourist projects.
(III) Theadvantage of investment attraction
1.Ithas a superior traffic location that is about 25 minutes' drive from thedowntown (Luoyang Municipal Government), and about 20 minutes’ drive from theLongmen high-speed rail station.
2. As the nearesthigh-altitude mountain from the urban area in Henan Province, Wan’an Mountaincomplex area is up to 937.3 meters above sea level.
3. Many tourist projects are to be plannedin the area, such as ice and snow project, hot spring project, theme park etc.,with evident advantages of project relevance and project cluster effect.
4. As a key investment attraction project ofthe city/province, it has more support of investment preferential policies.
5. Wan’an Mountain has an accumulatedinvestment of RMB 80 billion Yuan for ten years with the annual investment ofno less than RMB 5 billion Yuan.
6. Since Luoyang City is scarce in land,Wan’an Mountain with the land scale of 116 square kilometers is rare in China.
(IV) Preferentialpolicies
1. Price of land: The project party andinvestment party will enjoy the cost price of land at the early stage of ourcompany (case by case).
2. Preferential tax policy
(1) The retention part of tax revenue at thecity and district level paid for ten years from the date of tax payment is usedto balance the construction of Wan’an Mountain complex area project (The abovetax revenue includes but not limited to: sales tax, additional tax ofeducation, urban maintenance and construction tax, increment tax on land value,farmland use tax, business income tax, land use tax etc. The additional tax ofeducation shall be exclusively used in the construction of school in theproject area.).
(2) Tax policy on foreign-invested enterprisesshall be executed in accordance with relevant national policies. Upon the expirationof the execution of relevant national policies, preferential policies shall beadditionally formulated based on relevant provisions and characteristics ofWan’an Mountain.
(3) A large investment amount in Wan’an Mountain complex area conformsto characteristics of Wan’an Mountain complex area. For enterprises andprojects that make much contribution to finance, matters unmentioned in thepolicy may adopt the way of case by case to give more privilege.
(V) Ways ofcooperation
Project investment, cooperation withinvestment, equipment with investment
(VI) Enterprise ofcooperation
Luoyang Wan’an Mountain Construction &Development Co., Ltd.
(VII) Investmentteams
Leader of Branched Administrative Committeeof New District: Lou Huifeng (deputy director of Administrative Committee ofLuoyang New District)
Leader in charge: Hu Lin (deputy directorgeneral of Investment and Financing Promotion Bureau, Administrative Committeeof Luoyang New District)
Specific contact person: Wang Liping (deputydirector general of Investment and Financing Promotion Bureau, AdministrativeCommittee of Luoyang New District)
XXXII: Wan’an Mountain animation creativepark
(I) Basicsituation
1. Constructioncontent:
Animation Creative Park:Wan’an animation theme park covers an area of about 1000 Mu with a totalinvestment of RMB 2.4 billion Yuan. The first-phase planning covers an area of500 Mu. It is an integrated theme fashion paradise integratedwith entertainment, trend, culture, science andtechnology. Through a variety of modern high-tech means and perfectly combiningwith art, Park has create aa fantasy world which filled with passion andsurprise. And the theme projects are divided into three regions: indoortechnology area, outdoor equipment area, children entertainment district, whosecontent cover modern technology, future science and technology, sciencefiction, mythology, history and culture, comprehensive shows, children play andother aspects. With new forms, rich content, they are adapt to the needs oftourists of different ages.
2. Site selectionof project:
The core area south of Hot Spring Town (east side ofKaituoAvene) and main canal
3. Construction condition:
Prepare apractical and feasible park planning by virtue of unique morphology of Wan’anMountain and create a leisure space of sunshine, recreation, sports, health,ecology etc.
4. Benefit analysis
Wan’an Mountain complex area hasattracted a host of five-star hotels and large companies of commercial touristfacilities, forming a new tourist circle in Luoyang. Tourists have brokenthrough 10,000,000 person-time/year. Furthermore, tourist industry has providedlots of employment opportunities and integrated reception service, transport,communication facilities and high quality matched service for Luoyang.
Theme park has an annual net income of about RMB 450million Yuan, annual tourist amount of about 1 million; the annual touristamount increases by 10% and the rate of return in five years will be 16.7%.
(II) Projectbackground
Wan’anMountain complex area is located in the south-east of Yibin District of Luoyangnew district, with a planning area of about 116 square kilometers. Theconstruction of the Wan’an mountain complex area will develop into a complexeco-tourism holiday resort integrated with tourism, leisure, vacation andhealth. Wan’an Mountain complex area is planned implementation by step from2012 to 2022 with a total investment of about RMB 80 billion Yuan. Its totalinvestment in 2013 is about RMB 8 billion Yuan, including the investment ofabout RMB 6 billion Yuan in hotel, road and afforestation, and the investmentof about RMB 2 billion Yuan in tourist projects.
(III) Theadvantage of investment attraction
1.It has a superior traffic location that is about 25 minutes' drive from thedowntown (Luoyang Municipal Government), and about 20 minutes’ drive from theLongmen high-speed rail station.
2. Asthe nearest high-altitude mountain from the urban area in Henan Province,Wan’an Mountain complex area is up to 937.3 meters high sea level.
3. Many tourist projects are to be plannedin the area, such as ice and snow project, hot spring project, theme park etc.,with evident advantages of project relevance and project cluster effect.
4. As a key investment attraction project ofthe city/province, it has more support of investment preferential policies.
5. Wan’an Mountain has an accumulatedinvestment of RMB 80 billion Yuan for ten years with the annual investment ofno less than RMB 5 billion Yuan.
6. Since Luoyang City is scarce in land,Wan’an Mountain with the land scale of 116 square kilometers is rare in China.
(IV) Preferentialpolicies
1. Price of land: The project party andinvestment party will enjoy the cost price of land at the early stage of ourcompany (case by case).
2. Preferential tax policy
(1)The retention part of tax revenue at the city and district level paid for tenyears from the date of tax payment is used to balance the construction ofWan’an Mountain complex area project (The above tax revenue includes but notlimited to: sales tax, additional tax of education, urban maintenance andconstruction tax, increment tax on land value, farmland use tax, businessincome tax, land use tax etc. The additional tax of education shall beexclusively used in the construction of school in the project area.).
(2)Tax policy on foreign-invested enterprises shall be executed in accordance withrelevant national policies. Upon the expiration of the execution of relevantnational policies, preferential policies shall be additionally formulated basedon relevant provisions and characteristics of Wan’an Mountain.
(3)A large investment amount in Wan’an Mountain complex area conforms tocharacteristics of Wan’an Mountain complex area. For enterprises and projectsthat make much contribution to finance, matters unmentioned in the policy mayadopt the way of case by case to give more privilege.
(V) Ways ofcooperation
Project investment, cooperation withinvestment, equipment with investment
(VI) Enterprise ofcooperation
Luoyang Wan’an Mountain Construction &Development Co., Ltd.
(VII) Investmentteams
Leader of Branched Administrative Committeeof New District: Lou Huifeng (deputy director of Administrative Committee ofLuoyang New District)
Leader in charge: Hu Lin (deputy directorgeneral of Investment and Financing Promotion Bureau, Administrative Committeeof Luoyang New District)
Specific contact person: Wang Liping (deputydirector general of Investment and Financing Promotion Bureau, AdministrativeCommittee of Luoyang New District)